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ข่าว XenForo & Add-ons 2.3.0 Beta 8 Released (Unsupported)

As we get ever closer to the fabled "release candidate" stage and the eventual stable release, today we are releasing the eighth beta for XenForo 2.3! Nothing particularly noteworthy this week other than a number of bug fixes.

We strongly recommend anyone testing 2.3 during this beta period upgrade as each beta version is released.

More specific details regarding bugs fixed in this release can be found in the resolved bugs forum.

This is beta software. It is not officially supported.
We do not recommend running it in production.

Please remember that this is beta software. It contains known bugs and incomplete functionality. We do not recommend running beta software in a production environment, and support is limited at this time to questions here on the community forums.

Add-ons and custom styles may be broken after upgrading to 2.3. You must test your add-ons thoroughly or look for updates. Be especially careful with add-ons that cover similar features to ones that are added to 2.3; these may conflict with the core XenForo data. If data conflicts are found, they will need to be resolved in a new add-on release or by removing the add-on before upgrading to 2.3.

If you choose to run beta software, it is your responsibility to ensure that you make a backup of your data. We recommend you do this before attempting an upgrade. If in doubt, always do a test upgrade on a copy of your production data.

All customers with active licenses may now download the new version from the customer area.

Download XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 8

From the licensed customer area

Alongside the release of XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 8, we are also releasing updated versions of each of our official add-ons:
  • XenForo Media Gallery 2.3.0 Beta 8
  • XenForo Resource Manager 2.3.0 Beta 8
  • XenForo Enhanced Search 2.3.0 Beta 8
Customers with active licenses for these add-ons may download the new versions from their customer area.

Download official add-ons

From the licensed customer area


The following are minimum requirements:
  • PHP 7.2 or newer
  • MySQL 5.7 and newer
  • All of the add-ons listed here require XenForo 2.3.
  • Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 7.2
Note: Only the PHP version requirements have changed here. However, even if you're running PHP 7.2 we strongly recommend upgrading to PHP 8.3 at the earliest opportunity for improvements in speed, security and stability. We also recommend MySQL 8.0 (or equivalent).

Full details for how to install and upgrade XenForo can be found in the XenForo manual. One-click upgrades from XF 2.2 are possible, but you must uncheck the "Only check for stable upgrades" option in Options > Basic board information. Once the XF 2.3 upgrade has been complete, the official add-ons should be upgraded as well.

Please remember that this is beta/preview software. It contains known bugs and incomplete functionality. We do not recommend or support running beta software in a production environment. Support for beta releases is limited to questions here on the community forums.


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